Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday night out with budak Kelantan who just came back from Singapore.Finally, I got to meet him up this time as I missed the previous one.I suggested to yum cha at 'Island Cafe' which is located at ss2. Kindda regret due to the environment was so damn kao noisy with all those yoyo songs played in the restaurant and we couldn't even really hear each other talks.

Thian Jeen and I
Was a bit awkward at first cause all of us were purposely made out some topic to chat. But at times go by,things getting better as we recall back how 'naughty' we were during high school time.It's so memorable and we laughed at how naive, stupid and silly we were at that age.Suprisingly, they told me there's no gangster in Taman SEA now.How good to know that huh?
And everytime when TJ and CH came out for yum cha sure will mentioned a guy's name.*give a guess ppl* This is what I dislike about it cause it has been 4 years back history.What's the point to recall back and tell me all his recent life.Nevertheless, this time was a bit different and it makes me speechless when TJ actually knows what was happening that time.
Ya, I admit was my fault to create such lame excuses to broke up with him. I don't wanna do so just that I couldn'nt find a way to tell him so.I was too naive, childish and immature to treat him that way.TJ know about it but he didn't told him untill friday night he speak it all out.I was so shocked and told him I had forget everything but actually it is so not true.
And since then, the both of them become close friend.As, they went Genting with my bunch when i was still with him.After broke up, TJ is the one who accompany him that night.So I think they should thanx me for being that way if not they will not be so close as now or even don't know each other.=P
he took the camera and capture since he doesn't satisfied with the first pic

thian jeen , cheok tho , chin howe

After yum cha session that night itself, I couldn't get myself into sleep.TJ was onlint at that moment so we had a deeper conversation in msn.It's nice to chat with him and I know he is facing lotsa problem right now.That's why he is getting thinner as a stick even said he seems like floating when he is walking.

Anyway it is not important anymore.All I can do now is to apologize in my heart.'I'm so sorry for behave in such way and treat you so bad'.You might not forgive me but I hope that our friendship is still there.I have lots to say...words can't describe how guilty I feel right now..................................................................................